
Sleep Apnoea

Snoring & Sleep Appliances at Dento Smile

Do you or your partner struggle with chronic snoring, frequent headaches, or waking up already feeling tired? You might be experiencing a sleep disorder like obstructive sleep apnea (OSA).

A better night’s rest could be just a visit to Wynyard Dental Clinic away, where our custom oral appliances can help.

What Is Obstructive Sleep Apnoea?

Obstructive sleep apnea is a sleep disorder that occurs when your airway becomes blocked at the back of your throat or mouth during sleep. This usually happens because soft tissues such as your palate, tongue, tonsils, and upper airway collapse against each other, sealing off your airway.

Even though you may not be aware of it, OSA can cause you to wake up dozens to hundreds of times in a single night as your body tries to get oxygen. Symptoms and risk factors include:

How We Can Help

Because OSA originates in the mouth, a custom oral sleep appliance can often work more swiftly and effectively than a cumbersome CPAP machine. These appliances position your lower jaw to prevent the soft tissues at the back of your throat from blocking the airway. Simply wear the appliance at night while sleeping and remove it in the morning. Oral appliances can be used alongside CPAP equipment, but many people find them to be a standalone solution, eliminating the need for a machine altogether.

Health Risks of Sleep Apnoea

Chronic snoring and sleep apnea can lead to daytime fatigue, but the implications go far beyond feeling tired. Apnea puts stress on your immune and cardiovascular systems, raising the risk of serious health events like heart attacks and strokes. If cardiovascular disease runs in your family, sleep apnea should not be ignored. Improving your sleep can enhance daytime alertness, alleviate headaches, muscle pain, and reduce the risk of dangerous situations like falling asleep while driving.

* All surgical or invasive procedures come with risks. It’s advisable to get a second opinion from a qualified health professional before moving forward.